Gr​een Enterprizes Dr. Jacqualyn F. Green
Training Opportunities
Training services are offered at Green Enterprizes primarily in the areas of
Management & Staff Development, Diversity, Communication Skills,
Cultural & Linguistic Competency, Personal Development & ​Health Enhancement.
Corporations, Health Serving & Social Service Organizations
​​(1) Management Skills for the 2024 Workplace, (2) Maximizing Diversity in the Workplace. (3) The Cultural Audit & Strategic Planning, (4) Team Building 101, & 102, (5) Personal & Organizational Renewal, (6) Time Management
Employee Enrichment & Health Enhancement Sessions Include:
(1) Compassion Fatigue, (2) Balancing Life and Work, (3) Taming Trauma (4) Five Generations in the Workplace, (5) Making Movement a Part of your Life, (6) Relaxation Strategies, (7) Healthy Choices - Time, Food, Money & Relationships. ​
College Preparation Series
A series of 12 1 1/2 hour workshops have been deigned for High School students with an interest in attending college. The interactive training sessions focus upon student readiness for continued education, personal skills, challenges and provides strategies for success in a variety of academic environments. The course is developed from Dr. Green's publication: Racial Resilience.
Teacher Enrichment:
​Teacher enrichment opportunities include a variety of topics including, but not limited to: (1) Understanding Gender Differences in the Classroom, (2) Designing an Inclusive Learning Environment, (3) Appreciating Diversity in Students (gender, age, socio-economic class, race, and family composition), (4) Physical, Mental and Cognitive Challenges of 10-15 Year-Olds, (5) Incorporating Learning Styles in Teaching Practices, and (6) Taking Care of Yourself: Tools for Teachers. ​​
Educator Leadership Enrichment
Enrichment Sessions for Administrators, Principals and other School Leaders include: (1) Involving Communities, (2) Implementing Parent-Teacher-Community Models, (3) Student Behavioral Challenges, (4) Motivating Parents, (5) Student Discipline: Best Practices, (6) Maximizing Teacher Skills, (7) Evaluating Teachers, and, (8) School Climate Audit.
Communication Skills Trainings include:
(1) Effective Conflict Resolution, (2) Talking across Cultures (Male & Female), (3) Appreciating Differences in Learning Styles, (4) Type Talk (Understanding Myers-Briggs Communications Differences), and (5) Aggressive, Assertive and Passive Communication Styles.
Personal Development and Health Enhancement Sessions Include:
(1) Balancing Life and Work, (2) The Sandwich Generation, (3) Blended Family Dynamics, (4) Making Movement a Part of your Life (5) Relaxation Tools, (6) Resilience Strategies- Healthy Choices. ​​
Other Consulting/Training Topics are Available upon Request.